Within the Clients section, we have the possibility to create and manage all the fees (monthly income of our clients). When we already have our fees created in COR, we can visualize all the information by clicking on their name and see the consolidated data, or click on the drop-down menu to check the detail month by month:
Within the panel we will find, either on a consolidated (total) or monthly basis, the information of validity, income, estimated hours, computed hours, profitability, categories and associated projects.
Details and considerations
General Information
- Monthly Income: This is the income that the fee currently has per month. This value may differ in previous months if we edit the value at some point. If the fee is expired, it indicates the income for the last month of validity.
- Accumulated Income: This is the sum of the fee's income from its start date to the current date or, if the fee is expired, to its end date.
- Monthly Hours: This is the number of hours currently set per month. Like the income, it may vary in previous months if we had edited its hours. If the fee is expired, it indicates the hours as of the last month of validity.
- Accumulated Hours: This is the sum of hours that the fee has in all the months it has been in effect.
- Start Date: This is the day on which the fee starts to be effective. It always starts on the first day of the month.
- End Date: It is the day when the fee ends. This field can be empty if we always renegotiate the fee with our client. Otherwise, when we complete it, it will always be the last day of the month.
- Brands: These are the brands (previously created) of our client, associated to the fee.
- Products: These are the products associated with the fee.
Current Information
- Profitability: Here we will find the detail of the fee's profitability, based on the costs of its associated projects. It is expressed as a percentage (according to total or monthly income) and nominally.
- Hours Consumed: As in profitability, we will find the detail of the hours computed in a percentage and nominal way. When the hours consumed exceed the monthly or accumulated hours, we will se 100% in red.
It is important to keep in mind that for the data in this section to be reliable, we need to have the users' hourly cost updated, as well as a constant hour computation from on their part.
For example, if the profitability is at 100% or very high, but there are hours consumed, it is likely that the users do not all count with the assigned hourly cost.
Total Hours By Category
In this section we will be able to see in detail the hours consumed according to the categories of the fee and the tasks of the associated projects. If we do not select the categories within our fee, we will not have this detail, even if our tasks / projects are categorized.
In the same way, if our fee has categories selected, but our tasks do not, we will not be able to see the detail either.
When our fee and tasks have the same associated categories, the computed hours will be displayed in detail. When the computed hours exceed the estimated hours, they will be displayed in red.
If we do not assign the estimated hours according to the category in our fee, we will always see the percentage in red:
Associated Projects
From here we will be able to see all the projects that are associated to the fee. When we visualize the consolidated, all the projects that have that Fee for the entry will appear. In the case of the history, we will only see the project associated in the month of the fee, if it has hours computed in that period.
From the three dots , we will have the option to go to the project tasks list ("See Project"
) or directly to the editing section ("Edit"