Within the different sections of COR we have the possibility of applying multiple filters according to the type of information we want to visualize. This allows us to find and have the information organized to work and generate reports filtering the specific data we need.
Each section has different filters, according to the functionalities and data shown in each one:
General Filters
There are certain filters that we will find in all COR sections, as they are parameters that are relative to all the account information.
- Customer: This is a drop down that filters the Projects, Tasks, Hours and Metrics for a particular client, within all COR sections.
- Project: Within a Client, Tasks, Gantt, Metrics and Hours section, we can filter the information according to the text containing the name of a Project.
- Brand / Product: With these independent filters, we can identify Projects and/or Tasks according to the Brand and/or Product to which they are associated.
- Task: We will be able to find tasks by typing part of their name, in the Tasks section and Task List within a Project.
- Labels (Skills): We will be able to identify Projects, Tasks and Logged Hours, according to the drop-down filter of the associated labels.
- Active / Archived: We will be able to filter Projects and Tasks according to whether they are active or archived.
- Status: We will be able to filter Projects and Tasks according to their status: New, In Process, On Hold and/or Finished.
- Team: With this filter we will be able to identify Logged Hours, people in the Gantt and Tasks or Projects assigned to people belonging to a defined Team.
- Deadline: It will allow us to find Projects and/or Tasks based on their due date. In particular the date filters allow us to apply a day, week, month or customized time range.
Tasks Filters
Within COR, we have several sections containing different Task lists: Tasks section, My Tasks and within a Project. Depending on which list we are in, we have different filtering possibilities.
Tasks Section
In addition to the General Filters, in the Tasks section, we will find the Type, Project Manager, Collaborator and Priority filters.
Type Filter (Assignment)
The "Type" filter sorts the list according to the type of member we are in the task, in other words, the responsibility we have for the resolution of the task.
- All Tasks: Those for which we have access, regardless of whether we are a member or not.
- Assigned to Me: All the tasks in which we are a collaborator.
- Tasks I follow: Those in which we are followers.
- Created by me: Tasks in which we are PM.
- Tasks that I belong to: All tasks in which we are a member, whether PM, Collaborator or Follower.
- Tasks in my Projects: These are all the tasks for which we have access, whether we are members or not, but we are members of the project.
Project Manager Filter
It is similar to the "Created by me" filter, however it allows us to find a specific PM other than ourselves.
Collaborator Filter
We will be able to find tasks in which a specific person is a collaborator.
Priority Filter
We will be able to segment our tasks according to the resolution priority: Urgent, High, Medium or Low.
My Tasks
Currently this section does not have selectable filters, since by default it shows all the active tasks (without archiving) that we have assigned as collaborators.
Tasks in Projects
When entering a project, we will find the list of tasks to which we have access. In this section, we have special filters that will allow us to make specific combinations and also have multiple selection within the 11 options offered:
- Active / Archived
- Task
- Status
- Creation Date
- Start Date
- Deadline
- Project Manager
- Collaborator
- Labels
- Sprints
- Priority
Additionally in this section, we can select the filters with CTRL + SHIFT + F, navigate with the arrows and select with the ENTER key.
Active / Archived
By default, we will visualize the list of Active tasks. In the same section we also have the possibility to select the Archived tasks. We should select the option according to the types of tasks to be displayed and click on the "Confirm" button:
To find all tasks, regardless of whether they are active or archived, we must remove the filter.
Through "Task" we can apply the filter by searching by the name or keyword of the tasks we need to find
This filter will allow us to locate the tasks according to their status: New, In Process, On Hold and/or Finished.
Creation Date
Through the "Creation Date" filter we have the possibility to visualize the tasks that are created within a certain period of time. COR provides default options but we can also apply a custom time period filte
Start Date
As in the "Creation Date" filter we can filter all tasks that start in a certain period of time or we have the possibility to select a custom period.
Through the "Deadline" filter we can check all the tasks that have a due date in a specific time. As in the previous filters, we can also select default options or apply a custom date range.
Project Manager
Through the "Project Manager" filter we can search for tasks based on the PM of each one. Here, we have the possibility to select multiple users at the same time.
Note: In the dropdown, we will find all the users who are members of the project or who are not, but are PM of at least one task of the same.
Through the "Collaborator" filter we have the possibility to select tasks for which one or several people are collaborators. In the drop-down list, we can select multiple people and all the users who are members of the project will appear.
It is important to note that this filter, when applied to multiple users has an "or" nature. That is to say that it will bring the tasks where person1 or person2 is a collaborator.
This filter gives us the possibility to select multiple options within our list of labels or type the name to identify it quickly.
Through "Sprints" we can visualize the work sprints in relation to the tasks we have created within our Project. The filter gives us the possibility to select the name of the sprint or type it manually.
Through "Priority" we can select the different priorities that COR offers by default: "Urgent", "High", "Medium", "Low". The filter gives us the option to select multiple priorities at the same time.
Project Filters
Within a client, or from the Projects section, we have specific filters for the identification of Projects.
In addition to the General Filters, we have the option to segment them by Frequency, User (Members), Creator, ID / Work Order and Health.
Filters in Hours
In the Hours section, we will be able to check the time tracked based on user, time period, Client, Project, Labels and Teams.
In the " TimeSheet" section, we have the same options, however we can also filter according to the percentage of time logged based on the daily hours of each person. In this way, we can do a better follow-up and request the review of the time tracked by each user.
Gantt Filters
The Gantt Chart allows us to visualize the tasks for a given period of time, organized based on the list of users who have assigned them as collaborators. There we will have the General Filters, which will affect the visualization of Users and Tasks in that section.
Additionally, we have the option to select a weekly, biweekly or monthly view.
Metrics Filters
In the Finance section of Metrics, we can view the overall profitability information of our account and also filter it by a given period, client, project, project status and frequency of that project:
In the Capacity section of metrics, we will have the option to select multiple users, teams and labels (skills):