The function of COR's notification center is to inform the user, in real time, of the creation, modification, updates or messages in the tasks or projects in which they participate.
With a single click and in a single panel, you can quickly understand the client, project and/or task that requires attention, the people involved and the content.
Notification box features
The type of notifications will be differentiated by icons:
Along with the reference icon, the first line will mention:
Projects: the client to which the project belongs.
Tasks: the client, the project, brand and product that belongs to the task. The fields with information will be completed.
If the task has no project, the text "No project assigned" will be displayed. If it has no brand or product, it will be empty.
Subtasks: the client, project, brand and product that the task belongs to and the name of the parent task of this subtask.
New Notifications:
The number referring to the number of new notifications will appear on the notification bell.
New notifications will be identified with the message "Recent" in light blue at the top right, which will disappear after the first time the notifications have been displayed, but will continue to be displayed with high opacity until it is selected.
When you click on the notifications, the opacity will be lowered to 60% and the notification reference icon will be grayed out.
Actions to be notified
Grouped Notifications: Assigning a user to a task.
It is sent to the assigned user.
Link to: task detail
Change of priority to Urgent, from any priority.
Sent to collaborators, PM and followers.
Link to: task detail
Change of status to Finished from any status.
It is sent to collaborators, PM and followers.
Only when a notification goes from any status to Finished. For example, if a task goes from New to In Process, no notification will be sent.
Link to: task detail
Creation of a client's task
Sent to the PM
Link to: task detail
Simple Notifications:
New messages in a task.
Sent to collaborators, PM and followers.
Link to: task detail: messages
Attached files in a task.
Sent to collaborators, PM and followers.
Link to: task detail: attachments
Mentions in a task.
It is sent to the mentioned user.
Link to: task detail: messages
Reworking a task.
It is sent to collaborators, PM and followers.
Link to: task detail: messages
When there are more than one notification of the same type, for example 2 new messages from the same user in the same task, they will be grouped together showing the first message received.
Change of deadline, if the deadline has already passed and is changed to a date beyond today that exceeds the change by 50%. The percentage of change is calculated by taking the number of days the deadline is moved over, the distance of days between the current date and the deadline.
It is sent to collaborators, PM and followers.
Link to: task detail
New messages in a task performed by a client
It is sent to collaborators, PM and followers.
Link to: task detail: messages
New message in a shared task to a client
It is sent to the client who has access to the task
Link to: task detail: messages
Files attached to a task performed by a client
It is sent to collaborators, PM and followers.
Grouped Notifications (large Avatar):
Collaborator assignment
It is sent to the assigned user.
Link to: project task list
Project completed -> redefinition to change status
It is sent to a team of collaborators and creator of the project.
Link to: project task list
Near Deadline
It is sent to the team of collaborators and creator of the project.
Link to: project task list
Change of client
It is sent to a team of collaborators and creator of the project.
Link to: project task list
Change of brand
It is sent to a team of collaborators and creator of the project.
Link to: project task list
Change of product
It is sent to a team of collaborators and creator of the project.
Link to: project task list
Simple Notifications (Avatar Small):
New discussion
It is sent to a team of collaborators and creator of the project.
Link to: project discussion
New mention in a discussion
It is sent to the mentioned user.
Link to: project discussion
New Attachment in a Discussion
It is sent to a team of collaborators and creator of the project.
Link to: project decisions
When there is more than one notification of the same type, for example 2 new messages from the same user in the same task, they will be grouped together showing the first message received.
Change of deadline, if the deadline has already passed and is changed to a date greater than today that exceeds the change by 50%. The percentage of change is calculated by taking the number of days the deadline is moved over, the distance of days between the current date and the deadline.
It is sent to the team of collaborators and the creator of the project.
Link to: project info
New discussion in a project created by a client
Sent to the project's PM
Link to: project discussion
New attachment in a discussion within a project made by a client
Sent to the PM