In COR we can create and edit tags, which we will associate to users, tasks and projects.
This function is exclusive to the C-Level and Director roles, therefore they are the only profiles that can manage labels in the account. |
To create a new tag or edit an existing one, simply go to any task and select "Add Tag". If the task already has a selected tag, we will have to click on its name.
Within the label management, we have the options for:
Label creation
Inside the label management section, you will find the "New Label" button. When you click, a new pop up will open for you to select its name and color if you want to differentiate it. To save, we have to click on "Create".
This will take us back to the list of labels and, on top of everything, we are going to see all the ones that we have just generated. It will then be sorted automatically in alphabetical order.
Label Edition
To modify an existing label, we have to look for it in the list and then place the cursor over it so that the editing pencil appears. It will open a pop up that will allow us to change the name and / or color of our label:
We must take into account that if we edit a tag that is already being used in a user, task and/or project, it will be kept in the entity, but with the new name.
Label Removal
To remove an existing tag, we have to look for it in the list and then place the cursor over it so that the editing pencil appears. It will open a pop up that will allow us to permanently delete that label:
It is important to know that if we remove a tag that was already being used in a user, task and/or project, it will be removed from those entities and also from the skill filters.