From the general search tool, we can easily find tasks, projects, clients, users and contacts. To make a more specific search, we have the option to select the entity we are looking for.
Clicking on the bar will automatically display the tasks we have been working on recently, sorted by the number of interactions. In this list, the active tasks will appear first and the archived ones at the end.
To find something in particular we simply have to write 3 letters so that results start to appear. In the case of tasks, we can also type 3 numbers of the ID or 3 characters of the project or client they belong to.
When we write our text in the search engine without any filter, the first entity that will search is tasks, if there are no results it will search for projects, then clients, users and finally contacts.
When searching for tasks, we will find the detail of the client, the project to which it belongs, its full name, collaborators, the status and the deadline. If the end date is expired but the task is active, it will appear in red.
Finally, when we carry out a search, we will notice that in the results, the text that we had written appears in black. It could be the name of the task, the name of the client or the project.