The Tasks Panel is the view that contains the information about the work we have to perform on a daily basis.
Task Title
To edit the task title, we have to click on it, type in the new information and then click outside, or press enter to save the changes. To cancel our edition, we can press the esc key.
Client and Project name
In the upper margin, we will find the name of the client and the project to which the task belongs.
If we want to go to the project list of the client to which the task belongs, we can simply click on the client's name. If we want to go to the project tasks list, we can also click on the project name.
Client / Project Edition
To change the project and/or client we have to hover the cursor over any of the names to display the editing pencil .
By clicking on the pencil, we will have a drop-down with all the projects for which we have access. Selecting any project will automatically save the change and if the desired project does not appear in the drop-down, we can type its name.
Information Panel
Start and Deadline
The Start and End date can be found in the new Information Panel on the right side.
To change the Start date and/or the deadline, we have to click on the set date and a new modal will open. Clicking on the new day or on "OK" will take us to the section to set the hours and minutes for the start / end of the task. By selecting the hours and minutes, or clicking "OK", our changes will be saved:
Note: If the deadline date was lower than the new start date we are setting, it will automatically change it to a later one.
The task status is displayed in the right side bar. To change it, we can simply click on the drop-down menu and select the new status to which we want to change our task:
In the right panel we will find the priority of the task, which we can edit by clicking on the drop-down menu:
Estimated Hours
The Estimated Hours are shown on the right side of the task and they indicate the total time it will take to finish the job.
When creating a new task COR will give us different options based on the hours worked on our previous tasks, projects and clients in general:
By clicking on "Add" we can select one of the recommended options, or indicate a different time with the "Edit" option:
If we want to edit the hours already assigned, we must click on the indicated time, type the new value and then click on the check mark. If we want to cancel our change, we must click on the X.
Next to the estimated time is a percentage of progress, which is calculated based on the estimated hours of the task, versus its computed hours.
Task Types and Labels
We will be able to select the type of task and up to 10 Labels also in the right panel:
Finally, we will find the members of the task in the bottom of the side bar. From there we can view or change the PM and select or change the collaborators and followers.
Members Assignment
By clicking on the corresponding item, we can select the PM, assign multiple collaborators (up to 20) and multiple followers.
Additionally, if we have users with the role "Client", we will have a double check before assigning it as a collaborator, to avoid giving permission to the project by mistake:
The information within a task is divided into different tabs. By default, tasks open in the "Detail" section, however, we can select the pin that appears in each tab, so that our tasks always open in that section:
In the first tab we will find the description / brief of the task and we will also be able to view and create subtasks.
After typing the description, we have to click on "Save" to keep the changes, or click on "Cancel" or press "esc" to discard them.
To create the subtasks, we have to type their name and then press the "enter" key or click on the red check mark on the right. By default, we will appear as PM of those created subtasks and we will be able to assign them to collaborators, without the need to leave the section.
Within the task detail, we will also find the option to add a checklist with up to 20 items. This way, we will be able to list in a simple and organized manner, the necessary actions to finish a task.
To add a new item, we must click on "+ New Item" and then type its name. If we want to delete it, we can click on the trash can icon.
Finally, to mark an item as completed, simply click on the checkbox on the left.
As we mark each item as completed, we will notice the progress in the bar at the top of the checklist.
The task conversation can be found on the second tab: Messages.
For more information on this topic, we can check the article: Tasks Messages.
All the files that have been added to the task, either from Messages or Files, will be unified in the third tab. From there we can also upload a new one or delete a previously uploaded one.
The movements of the task can be found in the fourth tab: History. There we can see the date and time of each event and also filter by a specific one we need to check.
All the hours that have been logged in the task, will be found in the last tab. There we will have a list sorted according to the creation date, with the name of the person who logged that time, the duration and the date of registration. The total time logged will be displayed next to the title of the tab when we are in that section.
From there we can also delete the uploaded hours, as long as we have the necessary permissions.
Track Time
Within the tasks we have the possibility to log the hours, with the options that appear in the upper right margin.
From there, we can make a quick track that will be logged on the day of the date, selecting the option "+ 30 min", "+ 45 min" or "+ 1 h".
We will also be able to make a custom track, in which we will be able to select a particular date and a specific time.
Finally we can log the time with the play button while working and then stop at the end, so that the hours are tracked in real time in a more accurate way.
Tasks recurrency
If our task is contained in a recurring project, we will have the option to make it recurring as well. This information is displayed in the upper right margin of the task, below the options of Track Time.
By default, all tasks will be created with "No Repetition", meaning that they will not be generated automatically according to the frequency of the project. If we want to make it recurrent, we must click on the option of the period (monthly, bimonthly, quarter, quadrimester, biannual or annual) that will appear based on the frequency of the project.
Important!If we are viewing a task from a period prior to the current one and the new task for this period (or a later one) has already been generated, it is correct that the task is shown as "No Repetition". If we change this value for an old task, we take the risk of duplicating tasks in subsequent periods. |
Finally we will find the drop-down menu by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right margin of the task.
There we will find the options to Archive the task, Add a rework, Share it with a client, Clone the Task, Convert it to Deliverable and delete it, if we have the permissions.