Once inside a project we have 2 ways to change its status:
- From the Info tab
- From the project edition
Project Info tab
By default when entering the project we will be in the list of its tasks, but we can find the “Info” tab at the top.
There we should click on the “status” dropdown and select the status to which we want to change our project. When you click on it, the change will be saved.
Editing the Project
From the project list or within our project, click on the 3 dots and then click on “Edit”. Click on the “status” drop-down in the lower corner and select the status to which you want to change your project.
To save the changes, click on the “Save” button on the bottom right.
Note: To change the status of a project, you must have permission to edit it.
COR automation:
When you put play on a “New” project task, it will automatically change its status to “In Progress”.
When the deadline of a recurring project is met, its status will automatically change to “Completed”.