Bulk actions will facilitate and save us a lot of time when we have to manage many tasks at the same time. This function offers us the ability to manage decisions on a large scale to work more accurately and efficiently.
By applying the different filters in the "Tasks" section we can select the tasks that we want to manage in a massive way.
When we click on the icon of the two check marks on the left side of the task information bar (next to the title) we will see several boxes next to each of the tasks. By pressing these boxes we will be able to select all the tasks in which we want to modify something in common at the same time:
We also have the option of selecting all the tasks at once by clicking the box right next to the icon of the two ticks:
After selecting the tasks, we will be able to see that in the superior margin a bar with different icons will appear to us, each one offers to make a different action, we must select the one that we want to use:
On one hand, we have the option of archiving all the tasks by clicking on the box icon
On the other hand, we can also unarchive many tasks at once by clicking on the little arrow icon
We must remember that in order to have a view of the archived tasks we must apply the "Archived" filter:
Instead, if we want to delete all the tasks we select at the same time, we only have
to press the can garbage icon
This function, among other things, also offers something very practical which is to copy all the links of many tasks at once. Just by pressing the hook icon all links will be copied automatically:
In addition, by clicking on the three dots in our icon bar we will also have more options that this function offers to use:
We can select all the tasks and assign them a new PM by pressing "Assign PM":
You can also add a new deadline to these by clicking on "Attach deadline":
We can change all the tasks status at the same time by selecting the option of "Change status":
Finally, you can change the priority with which these tasks need to be performed by pressing the "Change priority" button:
IMPORTANT: these actions can be performed in both of the "Tasks" and "My Tasks" sections. As well, to complete certain actions you need to have the necessary permissions, in the case you consider this is essential you can request it to your Director or PM.