When we try to log in to our COR account and we get the error "Username and password do not match", or we do not remember our password, we can generate a new password.
It is important to make sure that we are entering the email address we have registered in COR and that when we are typing the password, we do not add incorrect characters or have the capital key activated.
If we followed all the steps to log in to COR correctly and we cannot access, we can click on "Forgot your password?" to reset it.
Clicking here will take you directly to the password reset section. |

This will take us to a new section, where we have to enter the email address we have registered in COR.

If we enter an invalid email and click on "Send your reset link to your email", we will be told that "We can't find a user with that e-mail address".

When we enter the correct user it is going to confirm "We have emailed a Password reset link!"

Then, we will have to go to our email inbox and look for the email sent by Project COR <noreply@projectcor.com> with the subject "Reset Password".
If it does not appear in your inbox, it is very important that you check your junk mail box, as it may be detected as spam.
By clicking on the "Reset Password" button (or by pasting the link that appears below the e-mail in the browser), a new tab will open where we will have to enter our e-mail address, the new password we want to have and the confirmation of the same.

If we enter the corresponding email and confirm the password correctly, we will be redirected to the login screen and we will be able to enter with our new password.