To massively upload Tasks and Subtasks to COR, we must go to the Projects section, click on the file upload icon and then click on "Import Tasks into Existing Projects":
We will access the bulk Tasks and Subtasks upload section, where we will be able to download the file model and also upload our already assembled file:
When we start assembling the file with the tasks and subtasks to be created, it is important to respect the header so that it is correctly processed by COR.
Each of the rows will have the information of a task or subtask to be created and each of the fields represents the different data to be uploaded to each task.
- ID / Work Order (Required): This is the ID or Work Order of the existing Project to which the task will be associated.
This value can be the ID assigned automatically by COR when creating a project, or the Work Order that we assign from the creation / edition of the Project.
These values can be found one by one in the URL of the project in COR (if we want to use the ID assigned by COR) or, from the Project INFO, in the "Work Order" field.
If we want to massively identify the IDs / Work Orders of multiple projects, it is best to download the Project Report and check the columns A (Project ID) or N (ID/Work Order) of the "Information" sheet: -
Name (Required): Title that the task will have.
PM Email: Email of the existing user in COR, which will be the PM of the task to be created. If no value is assigned, the user who uploads the file will be assigned as PM by default. It is also important not to leave any spaces in this column, because the email will not be recognized correctly and an error message will appear.
Collaborators Email: email of the existing COR user, who will be a collaborator member of the task. If we need to add multiple collaborators (the maximum is 20), we must add each email separated with a comma (,).
Start: Start date of the task, which must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. If no start date is assigned, it will default to "today" (the date on which the tasks are uploaded).
End: Deadline of the task, which must comply with the format YYYY-MM-DD. If no value is assigned, by default there will be no deadline in the task. Additionally, if no start date is assigned to the task, it is not possible to assign a deadline before "today".
Priority: The priority of the task, according to the existing ones in COR. If the priority is not specified, it will be created by default with "Medium" priority.
Description: Brief of the task.
Estimated Time: Estimated time the task will take in minutes. It must be expressed in decimal form and the decimal separator is a dot (.). For example, if we want the task to take 15 minutes, we should assign 0.25 in "Estimated Time".
Label: Tag that will be associated to the task. At the moment it is only possible to add 1 label per task in the mass creation.
Hierarchy: We inform whether it refers to subtask import or not.
MotherID: We inform the ID of the mother task in case we have informed a subtask.
Important! After having assembled our file, we must validate that:
If we do not follow these steps, it may happen that when we upload the file, it will not be recognized and the tasks and subtasks to be imported will not be listed.
To upload the file, we must go again to the Mass Import Tasks section, click on "Select File" and look for it in our device:
If the format is correct and all the fields are valid, we will have the preview of the tasks and subtasks to be created:
When clicking on "OK", we will see the confirmation of the successful creation and the number of tasks created. Then we will be able to visualize the new tasks generated in our account.
In the event that we are missing mandatory data (project or title), that the email addresses of the assigned users do not exist or have spaces in the file, that the dates are not correct or that the estimated hours separator is not a dot, the data to be corrected will be displayed:
Finally, if we upload the file, but it does not load the information, we have to verify the format and the header of the file are correct and there are no additional sheets in the Excel. Also, it is important to consider, the extension of the file must be .xlsx and the maximum number of tasks to be uploaded at a time is 250.