To massively upload Projects to COR, we must go to the Projects section, click on the file upload icon and then click on "Import Projects"
We will enter the bulk Project upload section, where we will be able to download the file model and also upload our already assembled file:
When we start assembling the file with the projects to be created, it is important to respect the header so that it is correctly processed by COR.
Each of the rows will have the information of a project to be created and each of the fields represents the different data of the projects to be uploaded.
- Client (required): Client to which the project will be assigned.
If the client does not exist in the account, a new one will be created. Therefore it is very important to make sure that the name we indicate, if our client already exists, is exactly the same as the one in COR to avoid duplication. - Name (required): Name that the Project will have.
- Estimate: Single monetary income of the project, according to the base currency of the account.
If the project has to be associated to a fee, the field must be left empty and after the creation assign the corresponding fee. Also, if the income is in a currency other than the base currency, it should be indicated later in the edition. - Start: Project Start Date, which must have the format YYYY-MM-DD. If no value is indicated, "today" will be automatically assigned as the start date.
- End: Project deadline, which should have the format YYYY-MM-DD. If no value is indicated, by default the project will have no deadline assigned.
- Estimated Time: Estimated time the project will take in hours.
- Brief: Project Description.
Work Order: ID / Work Order of the project, which can refer to some internal value of the client and project, such as the invoice number for that project. This value cannot be repeated in any project within our account and can be very useful if we later wish to import tasks massively to those projects.
Frequency: We must indicate 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6 or 12, according to the required frequency. If left empty, projects will default to "One-shot".
One-shot: 0
Monthly: 1
Bimonthly: 2
Quarter: 3
Quadrimester: 4
Biannual: 6
Annual: 12
Brand: If it does not exist in the account and associated to the client, a new brand will be created. Therefore, if our brand already exists associated to the client, it is very important that it is exactly the same as the one in COR to avoid duplication.
Label: Tags. If multiple labels need to be added, we must separate each one with a comma (,) and only labels already existing in the account will be taken.
Product: Only products already existing in the client will be taken and it is essential that the brand to which it belongs is also assigned in the file.
The only mandatory fields when massively loading projects will be the client's name (client column) and the project name (name column).
If we have the Fee, Deadline, Estimated Time and Brands and Products Mandatory configurations, their requirement will not be considered when uploading the Excel. However, if we want to edit the created projects later on, it will be mandatory to fill in those fields.
Important! After having assembled our file, we must validate that:
If we do not follow these steps, it may happen that when uploading the file, it will not be recognized and the projects to be imported will not be listed.
To upload the file, we must go again to the Bulk Project Import section, click on "Select File" and look for the file on our device:
If the format is correct and all the fields are valid, we will have the preview of the projects to be created:
When clicking on "OK", we will see the confirmation of the successful creation and the number of projects created, and then we will be able to visualize the new projects generated in our account.
In the case of missing mandatory data (client or project) or duplicated information (when we upload the same ID / Work Order for 2 projects or we already have a project created with that ID / Work Order), we will see the data to be corrected:
Finally, if we upload the file, but it does not load the information, we have to verify the format and the header of the file are correct and there are no additional sheets in the Excel. Also, it is important to consider, the extension of the file must be .xlsx and the maximum number of projects to be uploaded at a time is 250.
Sample file for massive Project upload: