In COR we have the possibility of assigning to each of our users the position they have within our agency. This way, when users track their hours, we can have more detail and better control of the hours worked over those sold to a client.
The assignment of positions can be done from each of the users, from the list of users in a multiple way or using the Excel of massive import of users.
Assignment from the user:
To assign a single position, we must go to the users section, search for the person to whom we want to assign the position and click on the little down arrow and then select the "Edit" option:
Then we must go to the "Employee Info" tab and click on the "User Position" drop-down to select the desired position:
For a faster search, it is also possible to type the position we want to select in the drop-down menu.
After selecting the position, click on "OK" to save the changes.
Multiple assignment of users:
By clicking on "Edit Positions", it is possible to select multiple users to assign a position to each one without having to enter them one by one. To do this, select the users to which you want to assign the position:
Once the users have been selected we must click on "Edit Selected". We will notice that a general drop-down will open with those users:
We can select the default COR positions or the ones we have previously created and when we click on confirm, COR will notify us that the positions have already been assigned to the users.
Mass assignment from import users section:
Another way to assign user positions is massively through the import users file. In order to perform this import we must go to the icon with the little arrow up in the users section:
COR will redirect us to the massive import of users where it will allow us to download the example Excel file to complete the general information of the user or we can edit the position using the wildcard 01010 (adding the wildcard in all the columns of the file except the mail and only completing the position of the user, we will update only that data).
In this example case we will only update the position of a user already created in COR. Note that in the "Password" field we must enter the value 1 and in "Work_in" leave it blank:
Once the file is completed with the new position(s), we will proceed to import it into COR with the position data and using the wildcard in the rest of the fields:
In case there are any errors, COR will warn us. If there are no errors we can now click "OK" and import the update. COR will notify us that the information has been updated:
For more information about positions we recommend you to check the following article in our Help Center: Creating and Editing User Positions